On Living Abroad: A 50mm Diary

MG 6941

I’ve lived in Berlin for nine months now. The time I’ve spent here has passed by entirely too quickly for me to even make sense of it. Living abroad has been, luckily, gone better than I ever imagined. I never anticipated feeling so at ease and comfortable so quickly in a city I had only visited once before (which is mind boggling to me to write, let alone say aloud). I visited Berlin once, thought a move could work, moved, and finally, fell in love with the city in ways and feelings I didn’t think were possible for any other outside of my own in New York. I’m waiting for the honeymoon phase to leave me, though it hasn’t yet.

Though every day is far from perfect despite being happy, every moment, every experience, every tear, every smile and every second I spend living here, I will continue to cherish in my memories, in my journal, and of course, through a lens. Before I left NYC, Michelle gave me the first camera she ever purchased and lent me her 50mm lens so that I’d be able to say, “I have a camera,” as a means for me to start using it and documenting my experiences abroad for her and everyone else who wouldn’t be by my side to experience what I live and do firsthand.

As travelers, we’re always documenting. But when we were living together in New York, Michelle and I documented together. But since I left home, traveling is different for me. So here are my experiences, through a small camera and 50mm lens on what life is like abroad. I’m still documenting, writing and traveling as much as I did before, but also enjoying (and at times, struggling with) what it means to be an expat, an immigrant, and a stranger in a strange land that is finally starting to feel like another home. Here’s Part I of my 50mm lens diary since being abroad. All photos by me, unless I’m in them. 😉

Berlin, Germany 

MG 6924MG 6884MG 6962MG 6939MG 6878MG 6938MG 7018MG 6990MG 6965MG 6907MG 6933MG 7432MG 7435MG 7022

Prague, Czech Republic

MG 7066MG 7085MG 7069MG 7117MG 7123MG 7128 1MG 7141MG 7145MG 7157MG 7213MG 7261MG 7265MG 7313MG 7318MG 7110

Copenhagen, Denmark

MG 7375MG 7347MG 7328MG 7341MG 7354MG 7342MG 7339MG 7368MG 7363MG 7391MG 7401MG 7407MG 7415MG 7411

Stay tuned for more travels and photos, soon.

Diana Signature

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