We will always remember June as a good month for us. In the midst of all the humidity, heat and quadruple the amount of people in the city, it still remains a significant time in our lives. Not only is it the beginning of summer, but it’s also the beginning of opportunities for travel and adventure. Before 2015, it was really just another season, June just another month. But this time last year, Michelle and I were happily (and nervously) finishing up planning our month holiday to Europe together, something we hope to continue to do throughout the rest of our summers. It was our first long-haul journey away from the city together, away from the things that held us in New York — me graduating from college, no job offers and no idea of what was to come and Michelle’s back and forth decisions with whether to stay at her first full-time position, similarly unsure of her future.
Last June marked the first time Michelle would go to Europe and see some of her favourite cities with her own eyes and not through mine anymore. It also marked the second time I would be going back to some familiar cities and experiencing brand new ones, since studying abroad two years ago.
We begin our ‘Adventures’ series here: with perspectives, memories, guides and thoughts on those weeks away in the six wonderful places that we explored by ourselves and for ourselves in the summer of 2015.
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